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Mitigate critical
business situations

High Tech business relations sometimes turn out to be complicated.
‘At-the-edge’ technology cooperations are based on trust and mutual agreement.
But what if expected results are not fulfilled or business constraints change?

For such cases, D-PAS offers its Counsel-Service to
support assessment and mitigation of the situation!


We make sure that your cooperation is based on a solid foundation.

To ensure that your co-operation is successful, and your investment is secured, it is imperative to validate the value proposition. Is it technically plausible, the business plans are realistic and realisable in terms of time? Are requirements and agreed deliverables synchronized and sufficiently specified with a time-boxed development plan?
To avoid disputes later on, all of this needs to be thoroughly assessed by independent experts such as D-PAS – BEFORE the contract is signed.

We want you to invest 100% of your efforts into the collaboration goals.

We independently mitigate when critical collaboration situations occur

Critical situations during collaborations are common. If the success of the partnership is jeopardised, a neutral assessment of the status-quo and the possible solution is essential. Pragmatic decision, instructions and implementation plans that motivate and save face are mandatory to return to the original objectives.

D-PAS, a team of experienced professionals, helps to neutrally assess the situation from a technical, economic and emotional point of view.

We want you to return to your original objectives – quickly and efficiently


When legal disputes are unavoidable – we support defining your EXIT

If EXIT is the only way out, often legal disputes are unavoidable. In this case, it’s important to prepare a holistic strategy and ensure that legal, commercial and technical directions are in sync. It’s not as easy as it sounds, since hi-tech collaborations contain many aspects, which are legally not easy to catch.

Legal defence strategies should follow technical and commercial facts, ideally argued by independent and recognised experts, such as D-PAS, to support lawyers.

We want you to achieve the best possible way-out, once a collaboration fails. ​


Individual challenges require individual service solutions – contact us without obligation.